HONR 185

Business and the Liberal Arts

This course is for first-year Management Fellows. Objectives include: enhancing student appreciation for the contribution of a liberal arts education to the development of business leaders, developing a more complete understanding of business and entrepreneurship from an economic and philosophical perspective, advancing critical thinking and communication skills through intellectual engagement, preparing the foundation of life-long networking and community engagement, developing a working knowledge of Microsoft Excel, and developing a deeper insight into the businesses associated with the Management Fellows program. Pedagogies employed include workshops, presentations, seminar-style discussions of various readings (Adam Smith, John Locke, Mao Yushi, J.S. Mill, and others), and networking with alumni.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
1/2 course

Fall Semester information

Jeff Gropp

185A: Business & the Liberal Arts

Jeff Gropp

185B: Business & the Liberal Arts

Jeff Gropp

185C: Business and the Liberal Arts

Spring Semester information

Jeff Gropp

185A: Business & the Liberal Arts

Jeff Gropp

185B: Business & the Liberal Arts