ANTH 197

First-Year Seminar

This course, designed especially for first-year students, explores an innovative or timely issue in anthropology. Anthropological perspectives and ways of knowing are used to study a particular topic in depth. Ethical and comparative dimensions to the issue will be examined. Topics might include: Culture and Morality, Women and Work, Culture and Medicine, Human Rights and Cultural Survival, and Culture and Violence. Seminars are small and emphasize writing and class discussion. Prerequisite: first-year students only.

Distribution Area Prerequisites Credits
First-year students only 1 course

Fall Semester information

Angela Castaneda

197AA: FYS:Understanding Culture Through Play: The Anthropology of Video Games

Alicia Suarez

197SA: FYS:Harm Reduction: HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis C Virus (HCV) and the Opioid Epidemic